Global warming is mostly caused by natural and unnatural happenings on Earth. Global warming could be caused by the sun, greenhouse gases, animals, or natural causes. But the main cause for global warming is humans.
Global warming is caused by us: humans. What do we do to cause this though? We operate a lot of machinery in factories or we litter. Factories have tons of exhaust and produce waste. How does that do anything? The exhaust or smoke rises to the atmosphere and damages the ozone layer, causing more UVA rays from the sun to the Earth. Factories also let waste flow into rivers and lakes, also polluting the water and atmosphere. Littering is growing worse everyday. All the time I see trash in lakes, rivers, others property, and roads. The waste from all of this is going into the ground and killing the Earth from the inside.
Now, us driving cars and resuming with the plan of deforestation is killing the earth. Cars let out all this exhaust, and have nowhere else to go but the atmosphere, adding on to the pollution of the factories. Deforestation is destroying the Earth as well. If we keep this up, then there will be little oxygen for us to breathe. The pollution coming from all of this is basically our death. Without the trees taking in all the carbon dioxide and monoxide that the cars and us give off, the ozone layer has to take all this. Then we are in trouble.
Another reason for global warming is because of greenhouse gases in the atmophere. Greenhouse gases are released by the Earth and plants into the Earth's atmosphere. The greenhouse gases are helping to destroy the ozone layer which is emitting the Sun's harmful rays into the Earth. Since the rays cannot escape the atmosphere, the Earth is heating up; therefore, causing global warming.
So based on the examples I have given you, I would hope that we work hard to stop this world-wide epidemic.